The Lumen Park Szolnok is being built next to the northern bypass of the M4 motorway. About 3 kilometres from the solar park’s own electric substation is located the MAVIR electric station, where the electricity generated by the solar panels can be channelled into the national grid. The electricity from the solar park will be transported to the national grid via a high-voltage grid, which will require the installation of 10 electricity high-voltage poles.
The position of the columns was already precisely defined by the experts during the development phase. The structures were delivered in several pieces to these points in December 2021, where a special mobile crane lifted the steel frames onto the prefabricated concrete foundations.
The area has already been crossed by numerous high and medium voltage power lines, so the safety rules for working around the structures will not be unfamiliar to farmers in the area. Once the poles are in place, and at the specific request of the investor, the new section of line will also be equipped with bird guards to enhance the protection of local birdlife.